The Notice of Continuance Request/Settlement online webform is available on the assigned judicial officer's/department's page located under "Judges and Departments."
Information on the types of family law cases that can end a marriage, establish parentage, and determine support or custody and visitation
Family Court Services provides child custody recommending counseling in family law cases when separating or divorcing parents cannot agree on a child custody sharing plan
The Family Support Division hears all actions filed by the Department of Child Support Services regarding support, support enforcement, medical insurance and parentage
Information on restraining orders involving parties with a close personal relationship
Request assistance with family law matters and sign up for video workshops. View articles, family law forms, frequently asked questions and important family law links.
- Refer to the Court Reporter Information page for information about court reporters.
- Use the Request for Transcript (SCSD Form #ADM-394) to request a copy of a transcript.
- Refer to the Language Access page for information about requesting an interpreter.
Divorce, Legal Separation, or Annulment
Persons wishing to terminate their marital or domestic partner relationship may file for divorce, legal separation, or annulment. Issues of child custody, visitation, support, and property division may also be resolved in those cases.
Parents who are not married may file a parentage (paternity) action to establish the existence of a parent-child relationship. Besides determining the existence (or non-existence) of a parent-child relationship, issues of child custody, visitation, and support may also be addressed.
Domestic Violence
Persons involved in situations where abuse has occurred (or threats of abuse) between them and a person they have a close personal relationship with, may apply for domestic violence restraining orders in Family Court.
Self-Help Services
Family law cases involve serious, and often complex, legal issues. Consider consulting with a family law attorney before you make the choice to represent yourself. If you decide to represent yourself and need general legal information or help in filling out court forms, self-help services are available through the Family Law Facilitator's Office. Detailed information can also be located on the Judicial Council of California's Self-Help website.
For certain actions, you may be eligible for a free attorney through the Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act.